Our company is glad to inform the customers that we are ready now to satisfy their request that the product should not only be of excellent quality, but attractive and convenient in use, also. We offer a renewed line of pastes «Crown of Baltic» — a colorful palette of canned foodstuffs with an «easy open» lid.

In general, when one speaks of the Baltic or the Baltic shore, the first thing to imagine is the sea.

But for us Baltic is first of all rich water-meadows where the cows are pasturing in almost idyllic serenity, and fat hogs are basking in the sun.

Steady climate and a particular soil composition allow to grow an ecologically pure forage to produce ecologically pure meat and make delicate pastes «Crown of Baltic» from it.

We are by right proud of the brand «Crown of Baltic» which rules in Russian Baltic lands. This brand has won the merited respect of those who do not seek compromise in case of high-quality and healthy food. The «Crown of Baltic» is a symbol of dignity of our people — toilers and craftsmen who present their skills, talent and love at you table. From the western boarders along to the east the «Crown of Baltic» is ruling as a symbol of quality you have undoubtedly deserved!